Wear Denim + Show Solidarity + Spread Awareness

In case you missed it, yesterday was National Denim Day. What, you did miss it? It’s alright I did too, though fret not beautiful angels cause literally ANY day can be denim day, obvi, so before April ceases to be take a day and throw on some D for DD!

….that’s “denim” for “denim day.”

Denim Day started roughly around 18 years ago in an effort to spread awareness and show solidarity towards victims of sexual violence. During an Italian Supreme Court case when a man was convicted and sentenced for raping a teenage girl in 1992, the case was overturned 6 years later after justices felt that the girl gave “consent” on account of her wearing tight jeans… the latter decision came from the notion that she had to have helped her attacker remove them from her body therefore making it consensual. The following day women of the Italian Parliament took to protest in the streets and at work; wearing jeans and holding placards that read “Jeans: An Alibi for Rape.” Shortly after, California Senate followed suit and Peace Over Violence started recognizing a Wednesday* in April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), to dedicate activism.

That Wednesday* was yesterday, so if you missed the boat by no means are you limited to show support and spread awareness. Get that D on DD! With consent of course, and if you’re feeling extra saucy get some double D for DD and make it a Canadian Tux! Shout out Britney and Justin circa 2001.

Take a day and show your daughters, mothers, sons, fathers, friends and all those you love that you care and you stand for human rights! Stand with Peace Over Violence, stand with Love!


I hope that little Herstory was super informative for you, it was a tad heavy but ya’ll know it gets dark sometimes. The more you know the more you can shine light! Bless!





*I discovered this phenomenon a few months ago while doing research for denim; at the time the jeans Wiki page had a definite date of April 27th for denim day… hence this late ass post. Alas, not the case. Humans. What are you gonna do?


Photos Via: DenimDay & ze Google

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