SFW Day Four

Last but not least, we have arrived to day four; the final day for SFW… wah wah waaaahhh. It’s been full of excitement, highs, lows, laughter, tears, slayage, group sing-a-longs and even a breakout brawl in the audience!  Seriously a brawl! On the very last day, the day of le gays, of course…. it’s been real. Just to show us how much we’re appreciated the show producers hired amazing Drag Queens and the cast of Magic Mike to come and give us all a show! Laaaddiieesss…. (and gentleman)

Wait, did I say Magic Mike? Okay nah it wasn’t that but we did have Drag Queens! Miss Anita Procedure and Khalista Stage gave us a faaabulous welcome! And as far as Magic Mike goes it may as well have been cause these shows were hot! Like muy caliente hot! It was a display of all the mans! From swimwear (or should I say swimWHERE) and a cool streetwear collection… and again more swimwear. Guys, and I mean LITERALLY GUYS, speedos are totally super in right now don’t be afraid to flaunt those goodies in some tight ass little pieces of spandex you’re all good! If there’s anything I think we could all take away from the show both guests and you guys as readers by looking at these photos its’ just that, speedos. They’re in. Wear them. Also mesh. And tye-dye. Hold up is that seal? Just kidding, but I’ll take a kiss from that rose! RAWR!


Joshua Christensen J. Sea Swim


Maor Luz


CA-RIO-CA Sungo Co.

All in all Style Fashion Week was just terrific, I am thoroughly impressed with LA right now and where we are headed in the right direction! It was a treat and I’m so happy to have been a part of the fun and #blessed to have been able to share it with all of you beautiful humans! Thanks SFW, thanks guys for reading! Love you all more than I could even textually express!

And now we go on to FWLA for the next two days, so stay tuned!



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