New Year New Styles!

Greetings beautiful beings! If you’re reading this that means you’ve successfully made it into 2017… Awwww shucks we made it!!! With all of last years emotional turmoil now behind us, let us look to the future through crystal clear kaleidoscope lenses at what magic the future brings; colors, prints, textures… All the wonderful things!


And did I mention cool new hair do’s?

So I’m not the biggest advocate for New Year resolutions, however after acknowledging/accepting the fact that my hair routine has been pretty stagnant for the past like… 5 years… whet? I’m challenging myself this year to step my style on up H to T and get my hairstyle game on fleeky deeky. Y’all, this head about to be LIIIT! I encourage you fellow fashion enthusiasts to also try on some new styles this year, whatever you feel like revamping; be it some added funky accessories or a complete closet cleanse. Try thangs out, see how they feel and be fucking fabulous! Fashion is FUN, so let’s play!





P.S. I know it’s been a long time and I shouldn’t have left you, I been slippin lately and I apologize… Although we about to take 2017 to the nExT LeVeL so watch out! Love ya!

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