Looking Prof when you Despise Looking Prof

People working in politics and/or right-wing atmospheres, this one is not for you…. or is it?

We’ve all heard at some point the expression “you’ve gotta look the part” for the opportunities or lifestyle we each desire. However, given our curent social and political climate of progression and forward-thinking, I find it baffling that individualism is still pretty heavily monitored in the workplace; in the US of all places, where that’s literally all we do. Despite all of our progress there are still some shockingly unrealistic wardrobe expectations not just in the corporate world, but creative amalgamated environments as well. We’ve all had that experience of struggling to find the perfect interview outfit and we can all agree first impressions are extremely important; but why is the tone still set like we’ve just entered into WWII and women just entered the work force and have to prove they are capable?

Oh wait, I know why

Equally, men can experience similar wardrobe discrimination  granted the access to a widening variety of  styles that are abundantly being embraced and celebrated; but let’s be real you boys get away with just about everything. This ain’t for you either…. or is it? While I love a good power suit on any woman, or man for that matter, we do realize that there are so many more options for all genders that are a lot less buttoned up, right? And we can wear said alternates and still embody professionalism as well as sophistication… all while holding on to each of our own unique ways of individualism be it big or small; not needing that celebrity star power. Lemme tell ya how to get it done!

As you may or may not know, I’ve worked in the fashion industry all of my adult life and have been designing freelance for the past few years. Even for me, a fashion industrial professional, I’ve had my share of discrimination against some of my wardrobe decisions when meeting with potential clients/companies whom instill originality…. This happens in the fashion industry. A literal arena of primarily left-winged creative individuals, so I can imagine the severity in other fields. Luckily, there are ways to still preserve the integrity you have to yourself and your style while also appealing to a more conservative audience; and all it takes is accessories. Also, a few well constructed pieces never hurt! When I’m given the opportunity to present myself in a “professional” manner I usually grab some of my well made ($$$) pieces from my closet and pair them with accessories that speak the language of my soul… Like a neon pink laser cut acrylic ankh earring (just one) and gaudy gold Versace belt. It’s little elements like this that emphasize personal flare without being overwhelming, while looking like you care at least a little about the preferences to the role you are applying. Details my loves, tiny details.

There’s no one way of doing anything, in fact there’s infinite ways of doing just about everything; explore your options and know that looking professional or dressing “like a lady” does not involve singularity. Like the words spoken by the great Martin Luther King Jr: “Judge me not for the colors of my outfit but for the content of my character!”

…..it may have been a little different but you get what im trying to say here.





Photos via: CACH!





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