JUNE in August!

Alright so I told myself and some of you I was gonna just keep this on a weekly post basis to not over do it on the blogging, however as a new blogger I find myself having a few antsy’s in my pantsy’s and wanting to post something all the time… Like everyday. It’s too much. I’m gonna try my best to have some boundaries while keeping a steady flow goin on here and try to only post about once a week, but I’m like “f*** that!” cause I want to have some sweet reads for y’all fine selves allllll da damn time! It’s a process guys I’m workin’ it out. Balance.

I wrote my last post about New York on a Sunday two days before my departure back to the west coast when I had assumed most hope was lost as far as my fashion dreams were concerned for this trip…. But then! A miracle happened! And an angel swooped in and saved me! This angel being one of the Queen Motha’s of fashion herself Miss June Ambrose!

Yes yess y’all, and it don’t stop.

June had an event going that weekend which was her annual “Shop My Closet” cleanse and pop up shop she did at Selima Optique off Bond Street in Manhattan, where she had for sale some of her own personal items up for grabs to bless all of us thirsty fashionistas. Honestly just the thought of owning something that once belonged to her is like a personal win for me… I don’t know about how you guys feel about it but that’s what I’m feelin. Everyone attending was pretty excited about it for sure, but you know when like you’re really excited about something, and you look around and see that no one is reciprocating that same kind of excitement about it but you all know what’s going on but you’re not sure how to react cause no one’s reacting? It was like that. I think we were just all trying to keep our composure. At least I was, it was June freakin Ambrose! Puff Daddy Mo Money Mo Problems? Missy Elliot Supa Dupa Fly? Anyone? SHE’S AN ICON. Anyways, here’s where the grace and goodness of Goddess stepped in.


The pop-up was originally set for that Saturday the 20th which I knew about but on account of my level of chill that day, (and the tired ass J train having delays) I messed around and ended up getting there too late. WHYYY GOD! But then I saw her post on IG that it was continuing into the next day and I was like YAAAASSS GOD and of course seized this opportunity with full force to get my ass over there and shop her amazing wardrobe. Oh, the things I have seen…. You guys! This woman is pure magic. Not only were the items on day 2 still super poppin, June is a damn angel. She’s so sweet and charismatic; she welcomed every single guest at the door with a booming HEELLOOOO and engaged with all of us as we were shopping, giving style tips the whole sha-bang. Just dazzling! Goddess sent this woman is let me tell ya. #GOALS

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She had beautiful designer pieces some brand new, some worn by her as a statement to appearances at high-end events. She even had items from her own collection and some suuuper dope pieces from some of her most iconic artist collaborations! It was amaze. Of course I wanted about 47 things that were up for grabs in there but being as I was traveling and already brought one of each and every style I had represented in my closet back in LA like I was Noah gearin up for the great flood… I couldn’t take in all I wanted to. Also not to mention I’m a verrrryy frequent thrift shopper to the point where I (mostly) only buy things if I can somehow barter about it and am guaranteed the best possible deal, yeah I’m that girl. Its hard out here you guys know what’s up. Her prices were right but not quite tight enough for my broke ass to walk away unashamed and I wasn’t about to bring out my ghetto side in front of the Queen not today. I did cop me a pair of her amazing shoes though which are actually from her June collection and they are pretty die-worthy. (featured in the pictures)


So alls to say I spoke too soon and Jesus swooped in and took the wheel and not only fulfilled my insatiable lust for fashion but introduced me to fashion embodied herself, and I am full of gratitude and appreciation even more so for NY because of this experience. Thanks NY, you da best NY!


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