It was all a dream…Outfit

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m a pretty big window shopper… if you aren’t into being slightly tortured it may not be for you; but it’s a great way to get a fashion fire burning in your heart/mind/under dat ass. After brunch with my girls yesterday we popped over to Opening Ceremony for some visual dessert and a little inspiration! Well it was my visual dessert, the girls had some delicious looking cheesecake that I low-key salivated over (I’m vegan) but it’s all good cause fashion satisfies my cravings more than any scrumptious bite ever could! *cries one single tear*

Opening Ceremony is a magical place where many high end brands live both established and up and coming, the Los Angeles store is super cool cause it was renovated from Charlie Chapman’s old dance studio! Fun fact! So it’s just beaming with an aura of greatness! During our paroosing around, I stumbled across my dream outfit…. Alright I have like an infinite number of dream outfits, but this one is SO dreamy!

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The boots were the first thing to catch my eye, they are literally all of my hopes I could have for a cowboy boot materialized before my very eyes. They hail from the brand LRS and retail for a pretty hefty chunk of change (re: window shopping=torture) however an excellent addition to the dream closet existing inside my mind! The gorgeous two-piece cowhide ensemble is another big clam sheller but sooo beautiful, it’s crafted by a new brand to OC called Daisy. Now, you might be thinking “wow Ash that’s super western of you” and you would be correct… in many aspects I am a pretty western girl and use a lot of western influence in my day to day dressing up! Although it’s not as much about the themes for me as it is about my overall aesthetic which is eccentric and extremely flamboyant. Fashion is fun y’all! *side note: I lived in AZ for 10 years of my life*

However, to diffuse a little bit of this western situation I would tie this whole outfit together with one simple yet STATEMENT making accessory and that would be this gorgeous choker collar by Zana Bayne


It’s sooo awesome and I’m sooo obsessed with it! This kinkalicious piece would totally add an interesting element to my cowgirl look! Am I right?! Yeehaaaw! Rawr!




P.S. I challenge you guys to go and torture yourself and do a little window shopping sometime this week! Let me know an outfit you want inside your dream closet!




….P.P.S. I Love You

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