15 of the Most Influential Fashion Ideas to Ever Exist

In an industry where basically every idea has been actualized, it can be helpful to take a moment and reflect on what we’ve been through. From the show stopping and ankle breaking creation of the stiletto in the 20th century to the questionable innovation of the romp-him that was demonstrated only a few months back, lets take a look at some of the most revolutionary concepts fashion ever gave birth to.

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Wear Denim + Show Solidarity + Spread Awareness

In case you missed it, yesterday was National Denim Day. What, you did miss it? It’s alright I did too, though fret not beautiful angels cause literally ANY day can be denim day, obvi, so before April ceases to be take a day and throw on some D for DD!

….that’s “denim” for “denim day.”

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YAS Feminism!

As we enter into a new yet familiar moment in history, the opportunity to express ourselves loud and proud is wildly encouraged. Be it through activism, the power of effectively using your voice, or my personal favorite outlet, FASHION! Thanks to all the newly fem-vertized fashion brands we can literally do all three at the same damn time… Say whaaaaaaat?!?

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Revolution Redux! Holiday Edition (¡Viva!)

Tis’ the holiday season! A time that brings joy, love and cheer mixed with a dash of pain and ignorant bliss! That is if you’re amongst the consciously woke crowd of individuals… Now I know that sounds depressing, but you already know the truth doesn’t always feel good. This is the time of year people tend to put all their long disputes and debacles on a temporary pause and indulge in corporate America’s economic splurge, which is understandable cause lawd knows the struggle is real and that shit is exhausting. Errybody needs a little break every now and then; a moment to catch our breath, re-organize and re-evaluate…

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