Afropunk Festival 2016

What do you call a heard of unicorns? A blessing. Over this past weekend was the 12th annual Afropunk Music Festival in Brooklyn New York where the gathering of unicorns blessed us all with their presence. Remember that time I asked where my non-conforming fashionably fearless ass people at? They were at Afropunk Festival, representin’ and holdin’ it down. The fashion! Ohh the fashion!

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JUNE in August!

Alright so I told myself and some of you I was gonna just keep this on a weekly post basis to not over do it on the blogging, however as a new blogger I find myself having a few antsy’s in my pantsy’s and wanting to post something all the time… Like everyday. It’s too much. I’m gonna try my best to have some boundaries while keeping a steady flow goin on here and try to only post about once a week, but I’m like “f*** that!” cause I want to have some sweet reads for y’all fine selves allllll da damn time! It’s a process guys I’m workin’ it out. Balance.

Continue reading “JUNE in August!”