Revolution Redux! Holiday Edition (¡Viva!)

Tis’ the holiday season! A time that brings joy, love and cheer mixed with a dash of pain and ignorant bliss! That is if you’re amongst the consciously woke crowd of individuals… Now I know that sounds depressing, but you already know the truth doesn’t always feel good. This is the time of year people tend to put all their long disputes and debacles on a temporary pause and indulge in corporate America’s economic splurge, which is understandable cause lawd knows the struggle is real and that shit is exhausting. Errybody needs a little break every now and then; a moment to catch our breath, re-organize and re-evaluate…

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AFW Day One!

Where oh where do I even begin… Africa Fashion Week Los Angeles day one summed up in one word: magnificent. Also,  Extraordinary. Sensational. Outstanding. There are endless amounts of relative adjectives I could use, it was absolutely divine. The culture, the energy, the stories, the beautiful rich variety of skin tones… it was a colorful dream! What a day, what a day!

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Magic Crush Monday

Awww shoot you THOUGHT I was jumping on that “man crush Monday” bandwagon! Gotcha! Did I getcha? Anyways, not quite man crushing but magic crushing! And this one goes out to none other than the lovely Mrs. Solange Knowles whose expression of flawless personal style is beyond words… So here are some photos!

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All Hail McQueen!

It’s always been my preference to create my own path and not try to fit any particular mold, especially in the area of my creativity. While I’ve always had my admirations in favors of certain designers/creative’s I’ve really never been one of those people who’ve wanted to I guess “follow in the footsteps” or purposefully recreate similar situations in my own career path or ways that I proceed. I’m very independent and rebellious in that sense…. And let’s be perfectly honest, I can be a lil ig’nant.

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JUNE in August!

Alright so I told myself and some of you I was gonna just keep this on a weekly post basis to not over do it on the blogging, however as a new blogger I find myself having a few antsy’s in my pantsy’s and wanting to post something all the time… Like everyday. It’s too much. I’m gonna try my best to have some boundaries while keeping a steady flow goin on here and try to only post about once a week, but I’m like “f*** that!” cause I want to have some sweet reads for y’all fine selves allllll da damn time! It’s a process guys I’m workin’ it out. Balance.

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