Textual Healing

Baaaaaby! I got sick this mornin, a sea was stormin inside of me…. and then I reached in my closet and found a sweet graphic tee! I’ve always had a thing for text graphic tee shirts, especially the ones with hilariously outlandish things to say on them! Whether you’re feelin sassy, sleepy, silly, salty or whatevs; you can literally sum up all the feels of the day with the right tee shirt. It’s fantastic!  Continue reading “Textual Healing”

BGB goes Live!

I was recently introduced to a newer startup of a live streaming website called Sonic Box catered to independent LA based artists (mostly musicians) to connect with people all over the world, spread self-awareness, inspire and relate to other fellow creatives/enthusiasts. Automatically I fell in love with the idea and the people involved, not to mention it is paaaiidd? Umm, YAS!

Continue reading “BGB goes Live!”

It was all a dream…Outfit

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m a pretty big window shopper… if you aren’t into being slightly tortured it may not be for you; but it’s a great way to get a fashion fire burning in your heart/mind/under dat ass. After brunch with my girls yesterday we popped over to Opening Ceremony for some visual dessert and a little inspiration! Well it was my visual dessert, the girls had some delicious looking cheesecake that I low-key salivated over (I’m vegan) but it’s all good cause fashion satisfies my cravings more than any scrumptious bite ever could! *cries one single tear*

Continue reading “It was all a dream…Outfit”