15 of the Most Influential Fashion Ideas to Ever Exist

In an industry where basically every idea has been actualized, it can be helpful to take a moment and reflect on what we’ve been through. From the show stopping and ankle breaking creation of the stiletto in the 20th century to the questionable innovation of the romp-him that was demonstrated only a few months back, lets take a look at some of the most revolutionary concepts fashion ever gave birth to.

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Magic Crush Monday! ft NY Street Style

I know you know already, however I also know that you know I know what amaaaaazing street styles that were out and about this NYFW season… And we all know that they need to be appreciated; caaauuse they. were. amazing. How could I not share them with you?

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Street Fashion Week A/W 2017!

As NYFW came to an end, the last hoorah came outta the hood; and served up some street style slaying that showed all the other productions that you don’t gotta ball all the way out to put on an amazing NYFW show… cuz everybody knows that there ain’t no party like a street wear party and a street wear party’s down below! ↓↓↓↓↓

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Uptown Fashion Week A/W 2017!

If you thought Black Girl Blog was only about celebrating black culture, events, and lifestyle, well my dear friends you’d be terribly mistaken. We live in a multi-cultural world; and with what feels like the attempted disservice to sever the integration and celebration of certain cultures in some parts of the world, the opportunity to promote as well as empower EVERY culture is absolutely positively a priority in which we should all be necessitating…

Si se puede¡

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Harlem Fashion Week A/W 2017!

Now, you know Black Girl Blog couldn’t have gone through NYFW without doing HARLEM! This season marked the second presentation of Harlem Fashion Week, and out of the many aristocracies Harlem is known for, Fashion is most definitely one of the major components.

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