Black Business Women Rock! Conference & Expo

Over the weekend many empowered business owners and enthusiasts alike gathered for the 5th annual Black Business Women Rock conference and exposition, it provided an exchange of knowledge, resources, and insight to a lot of progressive colored community productions. Black Girl Blog had the pleasure to attend and attest to the magic that BBWR created so if you couldn’t find the time to make it out, here’s a little of what went down….

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This Saturday Dec. 10th will be the 5th annual Black Business Women Rock Conference  at the Renaissance hotel in Los Angeles, and Black Girl Blog will be there covering all the excitement! YAS! This event will feature some seriously heavy hitters droppin some knowledge on independent industry that you probably won’t want to miss, but in case you can’t make it out have no fear cause BGB will be here! That was cheesy. You know I got you…

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Revolution Redux! Holiday Edition (¡Viva!)

Tis’ the holiday season! A time that brings joy, love and cheer mixed with a dash of pain and ignorant bliss! That is if you’re amongst the consciously woke crowd of individuals… Now I know that sounds depressing, but you already know the truth doesn’t always feel good. This is the time of year people tend to put all their long disputes and debacles on a temporary pause and indulge in corporate America’s economic splurge, which is understandable cause lawd knows the struggle is real and that shit is exhausting. Errybody needs a little break every now and then; a moment to catch our breath, re-organize and re-evaluate…

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Textual Healing

Baaaaaby! I got sick this mornin, a sea was stormin inside of me…. and then I reached in my closet and found a sweet graphic tee! I’ve always had a thing for text graphic tee shirts, especially the ones with hilariously outlandish things to say on them! Whether you’re feelin sassy, sleepy, silly, salty or whatevs; you can literally sum up all the feels of the day with the right tee shirt. It’s fantastic!  Continue reading “Textual Healing”

Magic Crush Monday!

Ohhaaaiiii guys! I wanted to give y’all a break after my last burst of posts so you could get all caught up and have a breather… are we up to speed? Hopefully so cause we’re goin right back into it! I discovered a new really cool brand, and it’s Magic Crush Monday so this week’s highlight goes out to the magical thing that is Putchipuu! Awww Putchipuu… even the name is magic! #MCM

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AFW Day Three!!!

The final day closeout for AFWLA was just splendid for me, mostly because it was AMAZING and I took away so much but this was also the final show night I’d be going to during this season of fashion weeks… Wheeeew! It was bittersweet, but honestly I couldn’t have picked a better note to end on. AFW was just the right amount of professionally organized, yet super relaxed environment that I for one was certainly appreciative of after a long ass week and a half of some crazy ass atmosphere! Banana sandwhich! So it went a little suntin’ like this…

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AFW Day Two!!

And now to the shows! Day two started off pretty much right into it, once everyone got in and settled we moved along right into the first collection of the night! I’ve placed the photos in the order of which they presented so it’s kind like you guys were THERE even if you weren’t… not really at all like that but we’re gonna go with it. Ohh but the playlist was killin it whoever that disk jockey was… he played all the jammy jams! Can I put music on here? Well, a little imagination can go a long way y’all!

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AFW Day One!

Where oh where do I even begin… Africa Fashion Week Los Angeles day one summed up in one word: magnificent. Also,  Extraordinary. Sensational. Outstanding. There are endless amounts of relative adjectives I could use, it was absolutely divine. The culture, the energy, the stories, the beautiful rich variety of skin tones… it was a colorful dream! What a day, what a day!

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FWLA Day Two

Fashion Week Los Angeles day two was the longest runway show I have ever been to in my damn life! Knights of Columbus! I once read a blog about how fashion shows are boring and un-enjoyable, which I wouldn’t necessarily agree with in most cases  but I do believe there is a timeframe… and Tuesday nights FWLA show definitely exceeded that frame, but it was still a good show! Long AF though!

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FWLA Day One

This one right here goes out to all y’all fly fellas… I did this just for you!

Fashion Week Los Angeles took place at The BLOC in DTLA, a pretty coo venue to host a fashion show directly in the plaza, midst all the retail shops. The runway was a layout of some AstroTurf, a lil faux grass feel, totes spring… and it was at ground level which made my shitty iPhone pics slightly less shitty. YAY!

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