If there is ever a time to be in NYC and alive… it’s next week; so with that being said, pack your bags y’all we’re going to New York for Fashion Week!

But, what will we wear?



If there’s one thing I (we all) love, it’s Fall Fashion; and if there’s one thing New York does best it’s just that! Fall/Winter seasons provide so many complex outfit options; layers, textures and depths serving up a fierce fashion furnace through this cold weather while also concealing our unshaved legs…… Yaaas! Oh, no? Just me? Okay fine.

Much like the state of our democracy, the state of Fashion is going through some interesting, complicated times of revolution mixed with turmoil which can only mean one thing… amazing presentations on the NYFW horizon!

The festivities begin Feburary 9th and last all through February 16th, if you’re in the area and looking to go to shows you can visit Fashion Week Online to get the schedule; hope to see some of you there! But if not, no worries boo you just stay tuned for some NYFW coverage from ya girl!




P.S. for on the scene live action, Snapchat: blackgirlblog





Photos via: Downtown Mag NYC & @stylefw 

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