Magic Crush Monday! ft NY Street Style

I know you know already, however I also know that you know I know what amaaaaazing street styles that were out and about this NYFW season… And we all know that they need to be appreciated; caaauuse they. were. amazing. How could I not share them with you?

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Street Fashion Week A/W 2017!

As NYFW came to an end, the last hoorah came outta the hood; and served up some street style slaying that showed all the other productions that you don’t gotta ball all the way out to put on an amazing NYFW show… cuz everybody knows that there ain’t no party like a street wear party and a street wear party’s down below! ↓↓↓↓↓

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Uptown Fashion Week A/W 2017!

If you thought Black Girl Blog was only about celebrating black culture, events, and lifestyle, well my dear friends you’d be terribly mistaken. We live in a multi-cultural world; and with what feels like the attempted disservice to sever the integration and celebration of certain cultures in some parts of the world, the opportunity to promote as well as empower EVERY culture is absolutely positively a priority in which we should all be necessitating…

Si se puede¡

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Harlem Fashion Week A/W 2017!

Now, you know Black Girl Blog couldn’t have gone through NYFW without doing HARLEM! This season marked the second presentation of Harlem Fashion Week, and out of the many aristocracies Harlem is known for, Fashion is most definitely one of the major components.

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YAS Feminism!

As we enter into a new yet familiar moment in history, the opportunity to express ourselves loud and proud is wildly encouraged. Be it through activism, the power of effectively using your voice, or my personal favorite outlet, FASHION! Thanks to all the newly fem-vertized fashion brands we can literally do all three at the same damn time… Say whaaaaaaat?!?

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New Year New Styles!

Greetings beautiful beings! If you’re reading this that means you’ve successfully made it into 2017… Awwww shucks we made it!!! With all of last years emotional turmoil now behind us, let us look to the future through crystal clear kaleidoscope lenses at what magic the future brings; colors, prints, textures… All the wonderful things!

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Fuck Trends!

Winter is here! The season of caliginous cold weather, enabling months of typically somber winter wardrobe. This time of year has almost no solidarity living in Southern California of course; being that it’s pretty season-less. When it gets down to 59 degrees suddenly it’s a 7 layer minimum which should only be a rule for bean dip… dramatic. We fake the funk just a bit. Of course, we all looove layers (especially bean dip) and busting out the winter attire, let us not be so inclined to dress in drear or adhere to the seasons “it” items; we all know they’re just different variations of the same thangs anyway… No matter the conditions, your style can shine bright even when the sun is nowhere in sight! With that I give you: bikini tee shirt dress post fall!

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