AFW Day Three!!!

The final day closeout for AFWLA was just splendid for me, mostly because it was AMAZING and I took away so much but this was also the final show night I’d be going to during this season of fashion weeks… Wheeeew! It was bittersweet, but honestly I couldn’t have picked a better note to end on. AFW was just the right amount of professionally organized, yet super relaxed environment that I for one was certainly appreciative of after a long ass week and a half of some crazy ass atmosphere! Banana sandwhich! So it went a little suntin’ like this…

Early on in the day was a lil pop-up shop which featured on and off the runway designs by OsengwaKoko NangaMidget GiraffeRahymaiheartfashionJoesfa DaSilva and Continent Creative. This I was not able to attend but I heard it went well and gave us as viewers of the collections a chance to actually purchase some looks! Yaaaaas runway outfits! The final show took place later on in the evening, with the same guiding principle of mixing African culture with African crafting. Once again, I was thoroughly impressed with the artwork (cause fashion IS ART) and felt extremely inspired and nostalgic all over again… Each designer had something so amazingly wonderful in their collections, I wanted something for myself from every single one, it was dangerous.

Overall my experience was fantastic, as I expected it would be! I look forward to next season and hopefully seeing some of YOU guys there! You. Yes, you! Hopefully y’all got some inspo and maybe even wanna create your own event! Or at least like, a top or something… I believe in you. Until next time Fashion Week(s)! Love you all!


P.S. What were some of your favorite looks? Let’s chat about them down below! Since you have to scroll through all these photos anyways… while you’re there might as well!



Koko Nanga


Tina Summers



Olu Fagbamila



Josefa DaSilva



Osengwa Collective (Orange CultureIamisigoSisiano & Tzar)



Osengwa Collective’s Seju Mike and models


Olu Fagbamila and some fabulous Queens!


One thought on “AFW Day Three!!!

  1. I love the white mermaid style gown by Oswenga. I personally can’t wear the mermaid style, but I admire women who can. I like the clean white with the gold accent.

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