Afropunk Festival 2016

What do you call a heard of unicorns? A blessing. Over this past weekend was the 12th annual Afropunk Music Festival in Brooklyn New York where the gathering of unicorns blessed us all with their presence. Remember that time I asked where my non-conforming fashionably fearless ass people at? They were at Afropunk Festival, representin’ and holdin’ it down. The fashion! Ohh the fashion!


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I only recently heard of Afropunk fest through one of my girls who put me on to this beautiful knowledge, bless her heart, and though I was aware of it I unconsciously booked my trip to New York with no regards to this information. Just days after my departure from NY did this magical event take place and if ever a time to regret all of your life scheduling decisions…. This is that time. (Idiot!) However thank you so much to the world wide web for giving us so much insight on all of the awesome real life moments we miss out on, its almost like we can were actually there! Definitely not, but I’m trying to be optimistic alright. #FOMO


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Curated in 2005 for the multi-cultural/African American punk rock community to connect, identify and spotlight a largely celebrated group, Afropunk Fest is a breeding ground for unconventional, non-adhering, individualistic radical beings. Even if you don’t necessarily classify yourself as having “punk” style aesthetic, this is still the place for you. Besides, isn’t being black in America kind of a radical “punk” statement in itself? Awwww snap! (message!) Honestly every concert/festival I’ve ever been to even if it’s not particularly my steez I always have a good time, it’s just the vibes man. I even recently read an article about how people who go to more festivals/concerts are actually happier in life, so I encourage all y’all to dabble and taste the many fruits the world has to offer. Enjoy yo self, bitches! (love you)
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The styles seen at Afropunk are what I would call a medley of punk rock mixed with futuristic ethic afro-centricity. It’s a miraculous combination and incorporation of African roots mixed with rebellion and self-righteous freedom, which boldly sends a message of “F*CK the rules” and gives us all a new standard to live up to. Here the more colorful you are, the better. (all colors welcomed) More than just a fashion bonanza, Afropunk is a beacon of self-awareness, self-love and self-confidence. Attributes we all aspire to live up to! The presence of all three is a huge factor in this environment and it is evident just by a glance onto this gathering of like-intentioned souls all coming together to appreciate and empower one another through outlets we all enjoy; music, art and entertainment. Are you not entertained!? (cue gladiator snippet) Just seeing people celebrate themselves and celebrate life in such a way is sooo liberating for me, if there’s anything I am taking away from this it’s definitely the acknowledgement of power that we all have; the power to be one’s self and not shy away from being who you truly are! Cause you know there’s others out there that are just as weird, unorthodox, curious and passionate as you are! Awww.


Fortunately for some, it ain’t over! Just this past year they’ve added more dates and locations both domestic and non so if ya feelin the vibes and wanna get lost in the sauce with some groovy humans check out the site where there are posted tour dates! Otherwise be HERE next year, and I’ll see you there! Cause I can’t live another year without this in my damn life! #NOMOFOMO

If ya didn’t know, now ya know.


2 thoughts on “Afropunk Festival 2016

  1. I really enjoyed this piece! If the message being sent is do YOU BUMP WHAT THEY Think! I can always get behind that train of thought , “do you”

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