Uptown Fashion Week A/W 2017!

If you thought Black Girl Blog was only about celebrating black culture, events, and lifestyle, well my dear friends you’d be terribly mistaken. We live in a multi-cultural world; and with what feels like the attempted disservice to sever the integration and celebration of certain cultures in some parts of the world, the opportunity to promote as well as empower EVERY culture is absolutely positively a priority in which we should all be necessitating…

Si se puede¡

Fashion Designers of Latin America came together for the sixth time this NYFW to showcase their talents at a 3 day fashion week event which is now known to be Uptown Fashion Week, featuring artists from the likes of the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Mexico, Spain, and Peru. The event started off with a conference style meet and greet with all of the designers, organizers and press to discuss culture, spread awareness of the significance of human expression in relation to fundamental freedoms, as well as the need to fill a void that can arise with the lack of diversity and resources in the fashion industry. Although I could understand about 10% of what was being said at the panel, (cuz I don’t speak Spanish) the producers created an elegant, thoughtful atmosphere to open up what would be the following evenings of beautiful fashion shows in the ballroom of the Skyline Hotel in upper Manhattan.

If you understand Latin culture, you know that vivacious colors, personality, along with luxurious glamour is almost never a lack in design; nor is exquisite attention to detail… Which can undoubtedly be said about every piece from each collection presented during these shows. In fact, glamour might even be an understatement. It was exuberant, A-list in both appearance as well as quality. During both Nidal and Augustos’ presentaions I felt like I was seeing a J Lo (or Bey) performance, or either of them doing some kind of regal shit we know they do in their regular lives and it was amaaazing! Absolutely blew me away; and just about brought me to tears. I can neither confirm or deny whether I actually cried… Alright I did. One thug tear. That’s how gorgeous they were! It’s always a nice addition to the mix when you add in a lil evening wear to the mix, and Uptown Fashion week delivered just that! And some cuteness from Agatha, on Valentines Day none the less… appropriate much?

For all of your sumptuous, extravagent cravings: behold! The Designers of Latin America and all of their beautiful bodies of work! Thank you so much UFW for having me, it was absolutely s t u n n i n g!


Diany Mota

Nidal Nouaihed

Benito Santos

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Spain

Augusto Manzanares

Joel Reyes

Willfredo Gerardo

Photos Via:  Uptown Fashion Week & my shitty IPhone

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