SFW Day Three

Yoooo, day three was lit y’all! There were live performances, interesting runway concepts, and I’m pretty sure I saw my unborn daughter/best friend get married… and by that I mean a complete stranger but the emotions were as if I KNEW THIS GIRL! In other words, it was pretty great. Let me explain…

Guys, this is gonna be a lengthy one I can tell.

The show opened up with a musical performance by Nike Boi, Yung Jake & Svpreme Dion (literally just looked that up cause I had no idea who the F they were) which was super amazing given the crowd was definitely not quite the ideal demographic for this music selection, nothin like experimentin’! You know how I always say! Immediately following that was Eddie Eddie by Billy Tommy runway show, which was also an interesting experience. It started out just as two models coming out, engaging the crowd in a bit of serious eye contact and just basically hanging out, on their phones like totes casual and posing a bit at the end of the runway.


Then more and more models started pouring out, all wearing his SS17 collection and engaging with each other, taking selfies and snaps, doing it for the gram and all that jazz. His show is incorporating fashion with social media phenomenon and controversies; meanwhile a Flintstone-esque inspired animated soundtrack is playing in the background while all this is goin down… literally in the DM. If you’re familiar with Eddie Eddie you’ve seen his “funway” runway shows before and you’re familiar with his style and aesthetic, it’s like cool twisted streetwear edge with flare. Supa fun!


Eddie Eddie by Billy Tommy

Following up with that was an interesting feature of Project Runways Richard Hallmarq SS17 collection which he showcased using all of three models, several looks, all fabulous. The show started with a garment rack wheeling to the back center stage and the models came out one at a time. Immediately after one would finish their walk down the runway they would go and change into their next look behind the rack straight up on the runway! It was like seeing the actual show as well as behind the scenes all in one; with added chaos seeing how only three models were showing the clothing. Time management is key! Luckily all these models were clearly veterans so if it took a little longer for the next look these Queens really worked the runway, oh yes they did!


Richard Hallmarq

Next up were collections from Naven, Patricia Michaels’ PM Waterlilly Collection and Ionica which were all lovely, the PM Waterlilly collection was absolutely banana sandwich in that this woman had SO MANY LOOKS it was just nutty, but interesting so see each one. Naven was like a cool young professional fashion girl, while Ionica was more glam and sophisticated. PM was a nice breakup of the more tailored looks and added a nice artsy fartsy ingredient to the mix.




Patricia Michaels




Last but definitely not least, my new designer crush is Sabrina & Mannings.  When I tell you this show was a pure angelic fantasy I mean… I thought I died for a moment and went to a tulle, vintage inspired glamorous night gown heaven. Oh lawd! This collection was pure MAGIC, and even though it’s not Monday I’m still making this my #MCM future scope.


Sabrina & Mannings

Every single piece was a pure dream and the final bridal gown (bottom photo, center) was absolutely stunning, this Goddess came out with the help of like 14 other people and walked down that aisle… I mean runway… and I about shed a tear. I felt all of the emotions of how I imagine a father feeling while giving his little pumpkin away. It was intense, overall just amazing! Start to finish, day three thus far may be the best yet… and did I mention we were all ON TIME!?!? Total mind blow!






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