My Trip to New York

I’ve spent the last 3 weeks of my life in New York City, one of the fashion capitols of the world and was immediately faced with one of my greatest lessons I have recently been learning more than ever which is never to expect anything. Hooolllyy garbanzo beans was I in for an awakening.

Being that it was my first time here EVER I came into this energetic city super excited and optimistic with expectations HIGH of what the street fashion was gonna be like…..not quite what I had in mind. Granted, I am a dreamer and I do have an unreasonable imagination at times but when I tell you I can count on one hand how many fashion orgasms I had for an entire three weeks of living here… I can literally count on one hand. Not to knock on New Yorkers AT ALL I completely understand how unrealistic I was and how y’all ain’t really here to play games and got stuff do do places to be and I genuinely admire the hustle and dedication to your business but by the hammer of Thor I was a little disappointed. Where are the prints? The colors?? The personality?!?!


The New Yorkers are not, not well dressed, but more of like a uniform that everybody conforms to and is comfortable to them and the environment… meanwhile I packed literally EVERY DAY here on my visit with a statement making outfit (not my best decision) thinking you know “it’s New York” so I gotta step my game up… not the case. I mean I looked outstanding and I did manage to bring a lot of smiles to some otherwise pretty smile-less streets, which makes me smile in effect. Upon further observations I also quickly realized that especially as a woman and essppeciallyy a fashion expressive woman you attract a whole lot of unwanted guests approaching you just about everywhere. No bueno. Unsubscribe.


So, I get it New York. It’s not you it’s me. Upon being seemingly defeated by NY and my overly ambitious fashion dreams I strolled into the high end designer stores for a little cheering up, and although the items were of course GORGEOUS in the way they were constructed/designed there really is just a bit of a “basic ass” trend happening globally which is such a sad face. Are we just afraid to be individuals now? Where my fashionably fearless ass people at? Can I get a AMEN? *RuPaul voice* Nah, we still out here! I for one refuse to conform. Seeing all this uniform or “gentrification” as the trending words imply simply bring that much more gratitude when faced with something that is truly one of a kind, at least in my opinion.


Like Biggie said “it’s all good baby baaabby!” Besides I came at a very unfortunate time as far as climate goes it was literally like stepping into a wet sauna. Some days when I would leave the apartment I would hiss at the sun like a cat and even I would question my attire options. NONE THE LESS, New York is amazing and crazy and non-stop and although the street styles were unimpressive and my soul cringed a bit at where we are in this industry I appreciate all of my experiences all the same. We’ll try and come back fall time, see how things differ cause some of the locals assured me that this was all just a misunderstanding and I should come back when it’s not so freakin hot…. Further investigations to be continued stay tuned!

6 thoughts on “My Trip to New York

  1. Really good read.I felt as if I step in the hot sun,wanted to change my attire, enjoyed the NY scene,& longed for a fashion orgasm as well! Keep up the good work & thanks for sharing.You are surprisingly amazing and leave me feeling FORTUNATE we met!

  2. Hey girl Hey!!! Now you know I gotta comment on your post regarding NYC street style
    .NY being the Fashion capitol that it is I must say fashion is subjective and the beauty
    of it is self expression. Sometimes it is ok for less to be more and to let well constructed garments speak for themselves. The CFDA based in NY has created the likes of Juan Carlos Obando, Public School and Tome in one season alone and that dichotomy is what fashion is all about. The colors and flow of Juan Carlos, the street swag of public school and the clean lines of Tome couldn’t be more different but the offer something for every one. When I moved to LA one of the things I had to adjust to was the hodge podge of looks..I feel so many people on the west coast try soo hard to stand out that fashion is the last thing Im thinking when I’m looking at street style , the crazy, cheap, ill constructed rags that people call vintage, every person with rainbow brite hair, every nose pierced, every inch of flesh tattoed. Every one literally screaming look at me, look at me!!! But I don’t feel like I’m looking at them I just feel the same way you do, every one shops thirft, looks boho or south western, dirty is in, it is some how a style..and of course lets not forget the quintessential LA girl with her designer jeans and rag and bone ankle boots…..

    1. Tina Martin… Tina Tina Tina, M-A-R-T-I-N! I knew this was my fashion Mama the second I glanced on this comment! You are absolutely correct and I think what it essentially boils down to really is preference. We all got our own! There definitely isn’t a whole lot of jaw dropping moments to be had all the time west coast either and I agree the constant cry for attention out here can be painful, New York had an authentic tone of simple chic that was refreshing and I admired that simple charm midst chaos soo much about the city. Definitely a nice change compared to crazy ass LA! Isn’t it so amazing how something can be a hot ass mess to one and exquisitely beautiful to another, all in the eye of the beholder. Takes all types! Thank you for commenting T! I appreciate you soooo much!

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