Greetings Earthlings!

Alas it is here! After years of ducking and dodging the digital social world (i.e. Jewel’s Intuition) we are inevitably consistently moving towards without wavier I’ve caved in…

There’s no way around it anymore so as some wise human once said, “if you can’t beat em, join em!” So here we are guys… Now I feel like I have some esplainin’ to do *Ricky Ricardo voice* as to how/why I’ve ended up here.


I am an extreme fashion enthusiast. It’s been the calling of my souls light since I came out of the womb, it’s just what I do and I do it well. Pretty simple. I’ve chosen the name “Black Girl Blog” because one, HI, I am a black girl which is ambiguous in itself but more strongly I feel like although there are mannnyy black bloggers out there which I intend to not only support but hope to receive support from, there really isn’t a whole lot of prominent acknowledgement of black bloggers within the hierarchy of the “established” blogger realm. Which is like…. Whet? Where can I identify? Don’t get me wrong there are amaaazing black bloggers out there! Just not as many as I would like to see being placed on those “who to follow” lists. In no way shape or form do I wish to denounce the efforts of my blogger peers, but to add an element that may appear to be lacking within the black blogger community and ideally bring more diversity to an otherwise non-diverse group.

I say that earnestly and I humble myself to knowing that this process will take time and many efforts, however I rise to the challenge and greet this with openness and willingness to experiment, learn and grow. I believe in empowerment of not only self but also the people as a whole and this does not lie solely on the doing of one but of many. We are all just trying to figure out this life thing together, right? Through this expression of myself I hope to inspire, create, investigate, educate, agitate, and most importantly YES state, as I am an optimistical being with a deep understanding of what is.


So cheers to unity! Cheers to balance! Cheers to being flawless and looking fabulous! Cheers to confidence and freedom! Cheers to loving yo muthaf***in self! And cheers to a bettering of this magical Earth that we all call home! I’m super excited for all of our progression, as well as regressions, (temporarily)(it happens) and I want to sincerely thank you for all of your support and input, whether it being external or internal presently and future scope. I love you all so much. Whew, did I get it? Now that that intro is over, let’s get into the nitty gritty… FASHION! The essence of my existence…. join me, friends!


9 thoughts on “Greetings Earthlings!

  1. Greeting fellow Earthling ?? I am a proud follower of Queen A and the black girl blog dot com. Look forward to all that is to come. Your style is one of a kind. Cheers to never conforming baby.

  2. Well said darling!!! Loving your enthusiasm with writing and as always your undying passion for fashion!!!! ?❤

  3. Love you Ashley!! Have always admired your unique spirit and fashion sense! Wishing you all the best with this venture!

  4. You are well on your way to something SPECIAL. I difinitively say what at this point however SPECIAL comes to mind! #GIFTEDwriter

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